Tag Archives: deck materials

Deck Materials That Deck Builders in Salt Lake City Can Work With

Outdoor Wood Deck

As a homeowner looking to add a deck, it’s vital to know the different deck materials used in building it. Understanding the various materials you can use for your deck-building project also helps you make the right choice.

In this article, we have covered different materials deck builders in Salt Lake City can work with. We’ve also included the benefits and drawbacks of the various decking materials.

#1. Natural Wood

Natural wood is a well-known material that comes to mind when planning deck-building projects. Most homeowners who want their deck to have that natural look often prefer natural wood as their deck material.

Another reason most homeowners prefer natural wood is its availability in different colors and textures. Genuine wood also tends to fit well in any outdoor space. However, this all depends on the type you go for.

The different types of natural wood include pressure-treated wood, bamboo, cedar, ipe, mahogany, and redwood.

Another good thing about using natural wood as a deck material is its aesthetic appeal and durability.

Talking about durability, some things that can damage natural wood include termites or exposure to water. As a result, decks built with natural wood are coated with materials that will make them resistant to these things that cause early damage.

The protection process comes in two forms, which include the staining and sealing process. The staining method involves applying tinted chemical treatments to reduce fading and help maintain the natural color of the wood for a longer time.

On the other hand, the sealing process involves sealing the surface of the deck board with transparent or semi-transparent sealant. This provides a temporary protective barrier.

However, this entire protection process results in high maintenance costs. This is because it will require you to re-seal your wood deck every 1-3 years.

Also, it will require you to carry out the restain process every 2-5 years. The high maintenance cost is one of the popular downsides of using natural wood as a deck material.

#2. Composite Boards

The composite board comprises wood fibers and recycled plastic (roughly 50 percent each). This is a good alternative for homeowners who cannot afford natural wood.

Just like natural woods, composite boards are also available in different textures and colors and can mimic the appearance of decking with natural wood.

Composite decking materials come in two forms which include uncapped composite and capped composite. Uncapped composite decking uses 50 percent wood fibers and 50 percent inorganic material without any protective cap.

On the other hand, capped composite decking uses 50 percent wood in its core and 50 percent inorganic material with high-performance polymers-protective capping.

It is important to note that the blend of wood fibers and recycled plastic can strengthen the deck against agents of weathering. However, moisture can still go to the board core, allowing mould and mildew growth without protective capping.

This is one of the key downsides of using composite boards when you choose uncapped composite decking. It requires cleaning treatment since the organic wood fibers are vulnerable to moisture. Decks built with composite boards can also become slippery when exposed to water.

#3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Decks

Using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) for your decks implies using plastic as your decking material. PVC decking is a relatively new kind of decking. Nonetheless, it’s also a popular decking material.

Using PVC decks comes with many benefits, and one of them is durability. Since it is 100% plastic and has no organic material, it is highly resistant to mould, mildew, water, and insect damage. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about re-sealing, saving you from high maintenance costs.

PVC decks can also mimic the natural wood appearance, including wood color and grain. It is available in different styles and colors, so if you don’t want it to appear wooden, you can easily make another choice.

Take Away

When adding a deck to your house in Salt Lake City, knowing the various deck materials, their benefits, and their disadvantages will help you make the right choice. However, there is still a need to involve professional deck builders in Salt Lake City. They are experts in this field and give the best recommendations.